


d u e r m e t e s

KANA DUERMETES [ kana kana, kanana, fish ( affectionate? ) ]

pronouns: they/them
birthday: november 29th

height: 149cm
age: teehee

The newest assistant to the lighthouse, sort of there against their will. Originally separated from large siren family, Kana now works under the god of the lighthouse, guiding sailors to the rocky shore.


d e m e r

SEL DEMERS [ nicknames tba ]

pronouns: he/him/it
birthday: october 8th

height: 165cm (w/o heels)
age: does not want to recall the number

The original keeper of the lighthouse, purposely causing wreckages to satiate his hunger. Recently, his meals had been ripped away from him, followed by a haunting song... but that is more than settled now.

written by @ikanaidead

Blood ridden waves crash against the shore.
Floor boards of transportation liter the beaches..
Everything remains silent stead the Ocean & the Wind -
Carrying it’s haunting Song.
A frustrated lighthouse keeper huffed, snapping a board in half once more.
Chains can be heard rattling as he walks off quickly - another failed attempt.
He felt tired. Famished. Human food could only satisfy the God so much.
He made his way into the water, slowly allowing his tentacles to help carry him through the sea.
It was a harsh and stormy night - but he needed to follow that song.
That song always lead to his losses.
Bittersweet hums and howls - how he despised them so.
He ventured further and further into the sea until he saw a figure.
A Siren - by the gods, of course it was a Siren.
Hair overcasting their shoulders, tail happily thumping gently as they sung their song.
In their arms they held a human, slowly inching closer and closer to their death.
The Humans' clothes were tattered, bloodied features - but no sign of being partially eaten.
The Siren was singing him to sleep before consumption.
Sel scoffed.
“You think this is a better option?”

The God was furious. This lowly runt of a Siren was the one affecting everything for months now?
He was hungry - and the way the Ocean carried the blood to him only affected him more.
The Human caught glimpse of the angry Sea God before passing.
The Siren turned slowly, smiling up at the God.
“I think it’s better than hearing wretched screams.”The Sea God grasped him tightly with his Tentacles, looking down as if they were prey.“You’ve stolen enough from me, fish.”The Sirens eyes were wide before narrowing. He bore his fangs at the God.“Stolen? I simply follow the lighthouse's light! I haven’t a single clue of who you are!”The God squeezed him tighter, the Siren coughing out a stream of blood.Anger. Fury. Hunger.“What .. ?” The Siren managed out. “Will you kill me too?” They spat towards the God. “There’s a perfectly good body right there - what good is fish food?”Sel threw the Siren out of anger, hitting the Oceans sandy floor with a thud.
He moved towards the body, and The Siren watched in horror as they witnessed the God become a beast.
“That lighthouse belongs to me, fish.”The Siren could only sit and watch as he feast, slowly fearing whatever demise may come for them after.

“Why did you follow the light? I thought your folk knew better.”“..It entranced me, I was curious. It always shone so brightly on stormy nights and - I had nowhere else to go.”
“...” The God sighed. “How many were on that ship?”
“Only that one followed my voice to my knowledge.. I saw the others scurry towards the bay.”“..Did you cause the wreckage?”They shook their head. “No, it was the waves themselves. I simply caused more confusion.”“I see ..” He tipped the Siren’s head up by the chin. “You are indebted to me for stealing so many of my resources, fish.”“Ah-?” They blinked rapidly. “I- Isn’t it easier to kill me?”The God laughed lowly. “To kill a lowlife? Oh, absolutely.. But you seem to succeed well with luring them. You will never leave my sight and do as I say - as we are to form a contract now.”“I do not know who you are - I do not know what you even may be! Why should I agree?”“You have nowhere to stay, yes? What about that dear lighthouse you seem to cherish so much?”The Siren hesitated to speak before a scroll appeared before him. Text glowed in golden ink.“Your name, fish.”“Kana .. Duermetes.”The contract beamed brightly before rolling up and receding into the Gods coat.Sel laughed. “May your sleeps be restless from now on.”